Friday, December 12, 2014

Terimakasih Tuhan.

Hari ini aku banyak bersyukur.
Bersyukur atas teman-teman dan berbagai pelajaran yg kupetik dari mereka.
Bersyukur atas makanan yg nikmat.
Bersyukur untuk kekasih yg selalu care dan sedikit posesif.
Bersyukur untuk kantor dan segala fasilitasnya.
Bersyukur atas firman hari ini.
Bersyukur atas penyertaan Tuhan bersama Supri (motorku).

Tuhan memberi berkat bukan hanya secara langsung, tapi juga dari beban pekerjaan, masalah yg dihadapi teman, masalah kita sendiri, long distance realtionship dengan pacar, pergumulan hati akan kurangnya iman kita. Tapi percayalah semua itu membuat kita semakin bersyukur.

Terimakasih Tuhan, hari ini, Kau mengajariku bersyukur melalui sudut pandang yg berbeda.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Go For It - We Love Monday 's Fourth Single

Kindly check, listen, and download our new song, "Go For It"

We (me and other personils) were having a long distance relationship. So, we just practice once and straight after that we recorded it. Check it out..

We Love Monday - GO FOR IT
There's a star I've been aimed for
Steal back the old dream in the past
creating wonderful imagination
making it as a way to climb up
I know, how cruel this world is
I am falling but still have the guts to keep me standing, believe there's a light, i believe there's a beautiful ending
I stand right up here, bravely
Ready for the real journey
I let you fly, i let you fly my dreams
Flying high, flying high to sky
It's because us, and me, and you to go for it
I let you fly, i let you fly my hope
Flying far, and beat the world
It's bcause us,and me,and you to GO FOR IT
When night, when you stare, at the sky, look at star Theres a shine on your eyes
Even far, the shine still bright for us
then compare with yourself
Your shine with all the stars
Could you make it
Could you make it
Could you make it brighter?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Pagi ini aku mendengar curahan hati seorang Habibie. Beliau menceritakan betapa dia mencintai istrinya. Meskipun aku sudah menonton filmnya,  tapi aku tetap menyimaknya. Beliau bercerita tentang segala kesuksesannya yang hanya dicapai dalam waktu sepuluh tahun. Dan beliau berkata itu semua karena cinta. Indah sekali. Pak Habibie sungguh sosok cerdas yang sangat romantis. Sungguh sangat indah ketika intelektual yang tinggi dipadukan dengan rasa cinta yang begitu besar. Bukan hanya cinta yang mengedepankan emosi yang meluap-luap, yang justru bisa saja menyakiti hati orang yang dicintainya.
Mungkin anak muda di jaman ini harus berkaca dari pasangan ini. Mereka saling mendukung untuk kemajuan masing-masing. Memang benar adanya, dibalik lelaki sukses selalu ada wanita hebat di belakangnya. Dan wanita itu yang pasti, yang paling utama adalah ibu yang membesarkannya, dan kemudian adalah istri yang selalu mendampinginya dan selalu support.

Jika dikatakan wanita itu pembawa keberuntungan, kurasa tidak sepenuhnya benar. Dibalik jika memang dia membawa keberuntungan, perempuan itu pasti memiliki kepribadian yang luar biasa dan bisa menggunakannya dalam mendukung orang yang dicintainya untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Dan oleh karenanya, sang pria akan selalu merasa beruntung memilikinya.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tahu. (Bukan Temennya Tempe)

Aku tidak tahu kita akan bertemu
Aku tidak tahu Tuhan mau itu
Yang tidak kusangka, kita bertemu lagi dan lagi
Ysng tidak kusangka, kita berani merajut mimpi

Yang aku tahu, kita sama
Sama sama suka merekam gambar dan suara
Yang aku tahu, asa kita hampir sama
Sama sama ingin mewujudkan sang asa

Mungkin kamu tidak tahu,
Sejak dulu kau telah menjadi sasaran rindu
Mungkin aku dulu hanya tersipu malu,
Tanpa tahu kamu juga rindu

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Puisi Tentang Aku dan Dia

Pagi ini aku bergulat dengan ketakutan
Berpeluk dengan kecemasan
Bukan, ini bukan sekedar pencitraan
Aku dan dia hanya ingin saling melupakan

Bukan, bukan melupakan satu sama lain
Hanya ingin membuang masa lalu yang pernah terjalin
Apakah salah jika aku dan dia saling memanfaatkan?
Toh akhirnya yang dicari adalah kebahagiaan

Tapi kebahagian bagi aku dan dia bukanlah akhir
Aku dan dia ingin kebahagian selalu mengalir
Meskipun nanti aku dan dia bertemu hilir

Aku dan dia akan sangat bersyukur pernah saling terlahir.

Friday, February 28, 2014

SPQ days out!

February 24th 2014

SPQ. S* Pumb Queen. You can define the S* part as you wish. If you love us, you can fill it with Strawberry, Special, Sisters, Star, Shiny or whatever. If you hate us you can fill it with S*ck, Silly or something like that. SPQ is a name for my lovely "girl gank" sinca senior high school. Thx God we are still contact each others even we have our own business in college, so... now when we were all graduated and had our own work, we still meet up when we have time. My SPQ consist of Me, Bella, Ariya and Anna ( Mommy). Bella and Ariya work in Jakarta. I had some occasion on Monday, so we decided to meet up on Sunday. I arrived at Bella's boardinghouse on Sunday morning by train. (this was my first time took a journey by train to Jakarta kekeke). We were so happy since that was the first time we gathered together as SPQ in Jakarta. Minus Mommy of course :( she still had campuss affairs that time :( 

We decided to go to Grand Indonesia. While waiting for Ariya, Bella and Me got this couple bracelet. Love it!

Ariya was coming to town! She was from Bogor , met her boyfriend (?) :p

We were all hungry, so we decided to go to Marche. A restaurant which take a concept from Swiss traditional food market. The way we ordered was moving from one booth to another and took our own meals and drinks. Obvously we took our selfie to kill time waiting these foods :)

Galeri Indonesia Kaya was the next place to go. Once again, obviously, we took alot of photos!
Virtual Gamelan. Its so meee Its so my major. This Galeri using a lot of AR (Augmented Reality) to introduce Indonesian culture to the young generation. Very nice try, I think.

Excuse my weird pose, please...

What a day, after some shopping and window shopping, we had our yoghurt shake and then... went home. I had an important occasion the next day, and my two girls need to work. Thx for accompany me all this time my SPQ! :*

Thursday, February 27, 2014

An old-new friend.

February 14th 2014

Where did you celebrate your valentine day? With whom? Me? Even I'm single, I know where must I go, and with whom I must go. :D I have a bestfriend in college named Iqbal, he's from Palembang. His girlfriend studied Dentistry at UNSRI Palembang. Soooo... they had such a long distance relationship. And Wina, sometimes did a monitoring system through me :p After that long distance bestfriendship, finally I could meet her in this beautiful valentine day. First, I'm affraid that we will be awkward since we never met each other before, we just chatting and talking bout anything via whatsapp, bbm , or line. But, when I met her, everything going smooth. She is such a cheerfull and easy going person, we can get along very well though that was the first time we met.Wine came with her two bestfriends, Sonya and Icha. Just like Wina, they are very humble and easy going too. We had our dinner at The Hill resto, did karaoke at Inul Vista and visit Lawang Sewu to fulfill their curiosity. Very nice to meet you girls! See you when I see you, mates!


February 6th 2014
After such a happy graduation, we must face a fact of fareweel euforia. Some of us try our luck in some company. Some of us decided to back to our motherland. Once again, I mention PSMT (Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Teknik) in this blog. Me and Lydong decided to treat some of PSMT batch 09 and held farewell moment. It was actually farewell party for Lydong. (I'm still in Semarang - til now). We were so sad, it just a feeling that we eill be apart from our family member. With them, I could laugh as much as I want. We can share our same hobby at singing and synchronize it in one choir. There was different feeling when we were singing together. The feeling of love you found in your home. For the previous with them I always happy, except that moment, farewell.

How sweet my band is!

February 10th 2014

Before graduation, me and my band , WeLoveMonday, have record our new song titled "Go For It". After Recording, while waiting the music engineer finish editing, I was kepo-ing UP instagram account. With their curiousity my member did a sneak peek and ask me which shoes I like most. Fluently, I mention all the shoes I want. keke. and.... at February 10th, after tiring work that day, I arrived at my boarding room, shocked by a package which said "Cheer Up! Your shoes have arrived!". I was really happy that time. I opened it carefully and found flowery shoes inside. Yes, my lovely band gave it to me as a late graduation gift. wohoooo, first thing in mind was wore it and post it to my instagram account. Remember that I must say thanks, so I tag and mention them at these photos. Thanks Arkie, Bambang, Jeki. I love monday and I love WeLoveMonday!

Oh My Graduation! (university-graduation) #latepost

January 30th 2014

University Garduation was held two days after faculty graduation. Somehow sad because my Dad couldn't accompany me and Mom that time. He had some meeting that he couldn't left. I worried if I couldn't have memories as a picture as much as iI had in faculty graduation. xoxo. But, thx God my uncle cancelled his class and decided to accompany me and Mom, So he made these photos.

Wearing this "ling-ling" for this graduation :p

Beloved uncle who taught me a lot bout mathematics. Om BBS.

With Nanda and Lydong. The most rempong girl in PSMT. Also my partner for faculty graduation quartet (minus gita). I really love them and obviously gonna miss them, a lot!

Me and the crowd.

Me profile. You can find what I fought for the previous years.

Especially given for my Mom.

Edith, greatest singer and conductor at PSMT. She gave me flower and a bar of chocholate from her and David ( ex-PSMT Leader), he couldn't came because of his work. Thx guys, I love you!

Computer Enginerring Mates, they were really kind and warm hearted friends. I love you Hayu and Kak Yos!

Accidentaly met these beautiful girl, Annis and Melo.

After party lunch at SimSix.

Bonus Picture, Mom with her toga! haha. x,x

Oh My Graduation! (latepost)

January 30th 2014

I really jet lag right now. Last monday and yesterday I surrounded by the euforia of graduation, happiness with my family, a lot of friends come to congratulate me and gave some gift, took a lot of photo, enjoy every moment, I love this moment... but right now, I'm sitting alone in my desk, in front of my computer in this small office, surounded by the voice of DOTA game and the rhythm some officer made from their keyboard and mouse.

Yes God, this is the reality, I'm gonna face this work day by day without thinking about my skripsweet and campuss-affairs anymore, and I thank God for that. I also can manage my online shop more after this. Once more, thx God for this ending, it really a beautiful ending. And this ending is too beautiful for it not to be shared.

I sang in my graduation. Yes, this was my last perform as university student. So happy that me, lydia , nanda, and gita can Join a quartet for this graduation. I took the solo part for the first bait for "Mengejar Matahari" and "Hebat" songs. The bait just touch my heart since you can hear me sing like his 
"Disini ada satu kisah, cerita tentang anak manusia.
Menantang hidup bersama. Mencoba menggali makna cinta."
Those lyric really reflect my college life for four years. I learn a lot, learn about life and love.

While singing, I gave a bouquet of flower to Bapak Dekan and then the applause came along. Such an honour.

Thx Dad for such a beautiful memories you took from your camera.

I asked my Daddy to take a photo of me here. Why? This stage was the stage I love. The stage that I used to perform with PSMT (Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Teknik), for another people graduation.

Once, I refused Dad for taking a photo here. But Daddy told me, "This is your almamater."

A friend of mine.

Finally, my Daddy came out on photo! Yeay! xoxo

Got those cuttie cupcakes from my twins. (people told me)

Got beautiful mug from PMK FT.

Couple necklace with sister.

The bridge I used to pass for going to college.

Daddy love candid. Excuse my ugly face. ughhh.

Daddy failed to candid.

My fave lecturer while the other kids not really into him. hehe.

Who was the person that request us to put our hands up? Yes, my Dad.

Lovely hair done by Mas Tofa.

Thx God.

Graduation gift :)

Computer System Engineering Diponegoro University, batch 2009, January Period.